Causes of lower back pain

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Lower back pain can be a gateway to chronic pain, which is why it is essential to see a doctor when it begins. By treating it immediately, you can manage and even eliminate your symptoms depending on the cause of the pain. There are many triggers of back pain, including the following:

Dislocated discs

The spinal cord is made up of small vertebrae and discs that act as shock absorbers. These two parts offer support for the body. However, the weight of the upper body puts pressure on the lower back, which causes stress. As you age, the discs that absorb shock experience wear and tear, which may lead to disc disease. These discs can also tear or slip when you engage in strenuous activity, causing what is known as a herniated disc. When the disc slips or tears, it puts pressure on the nerves that send pain messages to the brain. Medications, self-care, surgery and physical therapy are the required treatments of herniated discs.


This is the result of damage caused to the vertebrae discs. As with dislocated discs, trauma or healthy aging causes damage. When a hernia occurs (ruptured discs), there is a stab of pain from the lower back to the leg. This type of back pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as coughing and sneezing. The pain usually occurs in one side of the body, either the right or left. Pain management of radiculopathy occurs through medication, surgery, bed rest and physical therapy.

Sprains and strains

Daily injuries are the leading cause of lower back pain. They occur when you overstretch or tear the muscles or tendons in your back. They can happen when you lift a heavy object, move suddenly or experience an injury. Sprains last anywhere between days and weeks; however, if it lasts for a few months, it has become a chronic condition. The damage caused to your back can lead to severe pain and restrict your movement. While the body can heal itself, it is wise to consult a doctor if the pain interferes in your regular activities. You can also take anti-inflammatory drugs or partake in physical therapy to hasten recovery.

Spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis occurs when pressure is exerted on the spinal canal and its associated nerves. Stress is the result of narrowing of the spinal canal. Many individuals with arthritis experience spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis can be treated through physical therapy, steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs or surgery.
